Welcome to FAQ Section
We are a nonprofit trade association that focus on Wholesale Distribution and Logistic streamlining processes. This streamline process allows small and diversity business owners access to Government and Corporate entities relating to procurement.
Wholesale Distributors and Manufacture Representatives only
This is a potential requisition request from a distributor to other distributors seeking to purchase a specific item. The item could be too small in quanity for one distributor and another distributor may be buying this item in the future and they would combine the purchase to lower the cost of purchase. Also, known as a "Cost Savings".
The request is made from Wholesale to Wholesale indicating date, time, and quanitity need. Second, after posted due date the quote is sent over to the desired manufactory and if all parties agree on quote price from the manufactory, each party would share the cost of purchase based upon their needed quanity. The shared cost will be deposited in the Wallet and can be prepaid when the order is made. Shipping may be shipped to various locations.
First, it takes a team to become successful. Our trade association assist with government compliance, networking with buyers and vendors. Also, our trade association provides additional professional support that may help your business grow.
Some of the benefits includes:
Group Insurance rate (including Healthcare)
Legal Support Services
TeleHealth Support Services
Financial Support Services
Some of the tools are:
- Bidding tools access to local, state and federal buyers. Also, prime government contractors that seek diversity compliance.
- Auction
- Procurement Matching services
- CEO Roundtable
Yes, there are more resources such and Legal, Finance, CPA Support services, CEO Roundtable and much more.
Yes, there are special discounts and incentives. For example, the group insurance plans offers major discounts on products and services by our approved affiliate certified licensed Independent agents.